Amanda Fisher & the Source Crystals

Thirteen-year-old Amanda Fisher has always had special abilities that allow her to see things in her dreams that most people can’t. She has no idea how important they are about to become when she investigates the messages she has been receiving from her late grandmother, Mamo.

In Amanda’s dreams, Mamo hints that there is a message in her old books. Looking for answers, Amanda, along with her 11-year-old brother Danny, and 12-year-old foster brother Sam, discover a hidden letter from Mamo addressed to them in a book. 

The message takes them on an adventure where they discover not only an ancient family secret, but that they are being hunted by people who have been chasing their family for thousands of years. Amanda and Danny are the last in the line of guardians of the source crystals, the most powerful source of energy in the world. Tasked with ensuring the crystals are used for good and not evil, the guardians must act immediately. If they don’t, instead of Earth will return to a time of great terror - the Dark Ages.

Realizing the enormous task in front of them, Amanda asks Sam, who has proven himself to be very helpful, to become the third guardian on the mission. Narrowly escaping the unrelenting Hraefn Corporation, and the horrible creatures it’s partnered with, the guardians go to the only people who can help them, the Elders. These wonderful mystical beings of light live in the fifth dimension where they provide training and experience things beyond the guardian’s wildest dreams.

The training is cut short when the Hraefn Corporation unleashes powerful forces that will lead to great devastation for most of the planet. This mission will challenge each of the guardians far beyond what they learned in training, and they know that they must succeed at all costs because the fate of the planet rests in their hands.