Unity Healing Prayer Meditation

Unity Healing Prayer Mediation

Unity was founded in the late 1800s when co-founder Myrtle Fillmore was told by her doctor at the age of 40 that she had 2-3 months to live. She had struggled with tuberculosis her entire life and now was in the end-stage of the disease. She and her husband Charles Fillmore attended a healing seminar by Dr. E. B. Weeks and it was there that she had a revelation about healing, one that has healed millions of people with all types of illnesses over the last 130 years. She realized that in order to heal her body from disease, she needed to first see herself as God sees her - a perfect child of God. 

Every person is a perfect child of God - God does not create junk, but sometimes when we are in crisis, we forget that. It doesn’t matter how old we are, how young we are, what our illness is, or any mistakes that we may have made. There is no problem that is too big for God.

And I invite you to join me today in starting with the Unity Grace Prayer and then we will go into meditation for healing. You may close your eyes and sit in a comfortable position.

The Unity Grace Prayer:

For thee I thirst. 

Into thy hands, I commit my spirit

(my soul, my body, my life, this problem, all unforgiven states). 

Thy will is my will. 

Thy will be done through me. 

Heal me at depth. 

Reveal that which needs to be revealed. 

Heal that which needs to be healed 

so I can glorify You, God, 

and live in the fullness of grace. 

It is finished.

And we can begin by saying the affirmation that Myrtle Fillmore said in her healing: “As a perfect child of God, I did not inherit illness.”

As a perfect child of God, I did not inherit illness.

As a perfect child of God, I did not inherit illness.

I affirm that I am perfect health. Every cell in my body radiates perfect health and wholeness. I am healthy.

And just take a few moments now to let the impact of the statements you made envelope your body, every part of you. We know without a doubt that these statements are true.

The Fillmores believed it and they followed it and Myrtle’s husband, at the age of 94, affirmed, “I fairly sizzle with zeal and enthusiasm and I spring forth with a mighty faith to do the things that need to be done by me.”

We are now going to positively affirm our health, and as I make these statements feel it in every cell of your body. Feel the words vibrate and radiate life to each of your cells.

Every cell in my body vibrates and radiates with God’s life.

My body is the temple of the living God - pure, perfect, whole, and filled with the harmony of divine order.

I let God’s perfect healing take full possession of my mind and body.

The miracles of healing that Jesus performed among his followers remain possible by faith - faith on the part of the healer, but mainly, faith on the part of those that were healed.

The great physician responded to those who expressed their gratitude for healing with the words, “Your faith has made you well.”

Right now, my faith is making me well. 

Right now, my faith is making me well. 

Right now, my faith is making me well.

With God, all things are possible. In spite of appearances, there is only perfect God-life for me, in me, flowing through me as radiant strength, revitalizing life, and perfect harmony.

My life processes are perpetuating the vision of youth in my perception, in my mind, and body. Every atom and every cell is renewed. Old ideas - any idea of age - is eliminated from my mind and is erased from my body.

My life processes are stamped by the renewing, youth-giving idea and I am eternally young and vigorous in God.

I am ever-renewing, the ever-unfolding of the child of God I am.

My eyes, my ears, and all my faculties are quickened and renewed through the youthful life processes working in and regenerating throughout my whole being.

Every cell in my body is working and radiating perfection, working in perfect divine order. 

My lungs are strong and healthy and clear. 

My cells are radiating beautiful life. 

My heart, including my Heart-Mind, is working perfectly. 

Every cell, organ, and every part of me, is working together to create perfect health at all times. 

I am now young, strong, and healthy. My body knows it. My body shows it. 

I feel totally alive. 

I am young because I am perpetually being renewed. 

My life comes new every moment from the infinite source of life, my dear God. 

I am new every morning and fresh every morning because I live, move, and have my being in God who is the source of all life. 

I am constantly renewed, constantly refreshed by God. 

Through God inspiring and literally living in my brain, my brain cells are rejuvenated, my heart cells are rejuvenated. 

My brain and Heart-Mind are quick, keen, alert and intelligent. 

My brain constantly creates the youth pattern instead of the pattern of aging. 

My body is strong and buoyant. 

I sit, stand, walk, and even run with perfect mobility. 

God-Life has perfect expression in my circulation, in my veins and arteries. 

I am always filled with ever-increasing vigor. 

I am rested and relaxed and recharged. 

I have an endless reservoir of strength directly from God in mind and body. 

I feel young. I act young and look young for I am truly perfect, healing made manifest every moment of every day. 

I feel stronger and stronger, more alert, and more intelligent with the creative source inspired ideas. 

I have God-given life to press forward to the goal of becoming the full temple of the living God filled to the brim with the perfection of pure regenerated aliveness. 

And as I sit here, I feel these ideas and believe them, know that this ever-present divine love around me, as me, with me, is in the Oneness, healing all those around me who need it, healing all those who have needs. 

Our faith makes us whole and we are so grateful to Jesus our way-shower for giving us this perfect blueprint of a life filled with health and wholeness, divine love radiating in and as us. We are here to express God in the human forms we take on and we have the choice to do this from a place of wholeness. 

We are so grateful for all those from Myrtle Fillmore, Charles Fillmore, Jesus our way-shower, and all those who came before us to teach us this blueprint of health and perfect living. 

And so it is. 
